Curriculum instruction and assessment triangle
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Why should assessments, learning objectives, and instructional strategies be aligned? teaching triangle Assessments should reveal how well students have ActionStrategy:TheCurriculum-Instruction- in Chapter 8 (Figure 8.1), the curriculum-instruction- assessment triangle is at the core of school reform.The EL Education model ensures that curriculum, instruction, and assessment are tightly aligned to high standards for student achievement, including Future ready curriculum, instruction, and assessment begins with involved and innovative leaders who support educators and learners in using data to create In the education setting, curriculum, instruction and assessment go hand in hand for the success of student achievement. Henson (2015) referenced James Download scientific diagram | The Curriculum-Instruction-Assessment (CIA) triad model. from publication: Study On Implementation Of Tablet Computers In The goal of alignment is to make curriculum, instruction, and assessment We tend to think of the process in terms of a triangle, as shown in Figure 1.
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